Mission statement 

Michelle Cares Inc., is committed to empowering our communities through education and positive action. We believe in the transformative power of action-based affirmations and community engagement to create a thriving environment. Our approach includes offering educational programs for individuals and groups, fostering a culture of volunteerism, and ensuring that every member of our community feels valued and supported. As a force for positive change, Michelle Cares Inc., is dedicated to building a bright future for all.

Events 2023:


with Corner Canyon High as our hosts.




Stockings in the park

Upcoming event: 

Yard Sale Fundraiser!


Donations still accepted.

We are working towards our 501c3. 

Donation & Volunteer opportunities 

Michelle Cares Inc. teaches that action along with positive affirmations

can bring more positivity to the community.


Michelle shares her life story & the steps she took to lessen the negativity she was feeling her life. 

We offer:

individual or Group settings 

* more Information on program page.


I believe that with strict practice of the Positive Affirmations and other positive steps will:

•Build confidence

• Build communication skills

•Helps with social anxiety and other disorders. 

•Builds relationships and fixes broken relationships. 

• more shared in class

 If we teach elementary students to work the Positive affirmations ( and the other positive steps we will share in the meeting.) Will build a strong self esteem which will make it easier to transition to things such as Jr. High for teenagers and a new job for adults. It will help make the right choices.

Some choices with someone who has a strong esteem will not!......

Some of are listed below:

•Use drugs

•Bully others

•commit Suicide 

•Drop out of school

We believe using the P.A.S will lower the negative problems we have in our community.childrens ages to adults. 

We also, believe everyone deserves to feel cared about.

The fundraisers, and special events we hold through out the year, help us to be able to cater to those in need and bring positivity  to the community.

We have plenty of volunteer opportunities:

Fill out the form below to to be put on our volunteer list. We also, look for volunteers with trucks and/or trailers. (Please mark other with what you have to donate)

Thank you

Or message me at






We thank you for your donation.

Your donation will help us bring positivity to our community.

Donations are accepted at:




We look forward to work with you to bring more positivity to our community.

Working towards a 501c3


Michelle P.


Michelle cares Inc.






Michelle cares Inc. has been a lifesaver for me. she is caring and supportive. She has worked hard to bring positivity into peoples lives. She supports you,she teaches the steps she that changed the negative thought process. Positive "action" affirmations helped get her where she is in her life today. She strives to teach as many people that she can, about the Positive "action" affirmations.  

— Ro Overall

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Michelle Cares Inc.
Taylorsville Utah,United States

About us

Michelle Cares Inc. is a non-profit organization located in Taylorsville, Utah. Our founder, Michelle, has overcome addictions, traumas, and loss, and she is passionate about sharing her experiences and  the steps she took to help her overcome constant negative thoughts She teaches groups or individuals that also has negative thoughts and want to change that negativity to positive.

Positive "action" affirmations can help mend and/or build new or broken relationships.